In the last throw of summer I was commissioned to do the photography for the 2012 collection for a hat fashion brochure. The great thing for me was as well as the studio standard detail shots of the hats ..(which of course I found fun and interesting ….) the brochure was to be complimented by a full day of lifestyle photography shots with an initial brief from the Creatures UK agency in Cheshire. Under the close scrutiny of the head honcho Mel McNab I was allowed to expand on said brief and let the creative juices flow .. so to speak, which is always appreciated.
Fortunately for us the weather was perfect for the shoot and with a fantastic location sourced by the agency in the heart of the Cheshire countryside I couldn’t go wrong, not to mention the rest of the fantastic team made up of the models Gideon Thomas and Freya Holmes from Nemesis Models in Manchester and Make up by Richard Harvey also of Nemesis.
A great day and some great images and then right at the end of the day when we needed rain for the rainwear shot … Hey presto … Down came the rain, ordered by myself of course , I have connections you know.