Hair Photography …
My latest studio photoshoot involved hair photography for the Red Angel Hairdressers based in Altrincham. The shoot was for there unique service called the Style Station. They offer an array of hairstyles to suit your lifestyle and for any special occasion. Initially we discussed shooting at various locations to suit the various looks Style Station offer. However after much discussion the studio was preferred. Using various colour backgrounds along with fashion styling to complete the look we achieved what we set out to do. I must give credit to the client here as they styled the models themselves.
The images were to be used for social media but mainly point of sale window display at the hair salon. This is where the use of the colour backgrounds was so effective. Don’t think anyone will fail to notice the bright colours ;). Or the scary IT image. One of my favs by the way 😉
As you can see from the images we also had children involved, one of them being my little girl Milly. She also made a terrific photographers assistant;). A great two days shoot and thanks to all the models at Industry Models in Manchester. Not forgetting all the team at The Red Angel Hair Company. I’ll have to take a drive by soon to check out the images. Not sure any of the styles will suit me though, not enough hair for one 🙂 …
For more on my photography visit the lifestyle and fashion gallery …