womenswear fashion photography in manchester

Womenswear Fashion Photography

Womenswear Fashion Photography

I was commissioned back in February this year for Womenswear Fashion Photography. This was for fashion accessory brand Alice Hannah London.  High end fashion  including hats,scraves and throws. The photoshoot like many of my shoots was to be on location. Sometimes especially with advertising agencies the location is already organised. However sometimes I am asked for ideas and this was one of those occasions. I don’t mind this at all,  in fact I prefer to have a part in choosing the location as when it comes to accessing a place for fashion photography, who better than the photographer himself to do this ?? 😉 Pat on the back for me there …

There are many great photography locations in Manchester and for this particular fashion shoot a touch of class was needed to compliment the brand. The fabulous Midland Hotel came to mind which despite shooting in many locations around the city i’d never actually shot there. This I had to change. The client took over negotiations for us to photograph at the Hotel, which wasn’t a problem and everything was booked for the following week.

The day of the photoshoot arrived and a room had been arranged for the hair and make up and styling . I was permitted by the very helpful management to shoot virtually anywhere we needed to be. Lighting can be tricky on locations such as this, especially with general footfall of hotel guests. I managed to set up various scenarios that would avoid too much interference for the guests. Although I think many were interested in what was going on.  Probably not in me though …

As well as inside the Midland Hotel some of the photography was to be outside. The library and adjoining buildings were perfect backgrounds for the images I wanted to achieve. I had to shoot fast though as the time of year wasn’t great for the number of hours daylight we had. As you can see all was achieved in the day that we set out to do and that was thanks to a great team. Really pleased with the images and I know the client was too…

For more on my Womenswear Fashion photography go to my  Elegant Fashion blog …














