Documentary Commercial Photography
Documentary commercial photography isn’t exactly a well known style of the professional photographer. As the style is usually associated with wedding photography. But more often I am asked on a number of my photoshoots to shoot a part of it documentary. My regular client Refinery Marketing requested just that on the Advertising Campaign shoot for Ego Power Tools and their Pro X Range.
Really enjoy the documentary style as it gives the photographer a little more creative freedom . Not that the product and advertising side doesn’t by the way. It’s just that with this particular style you have to capture as it happens and create angles and look for interesting compositions in a split second. If you don’t do that you’ve kind of lost the moment and the feel of the ‘as it happens shot’ . No pressure then, but I do thrive on a challenge.😉
Even if I say so myself I’m really pleased with the images. Of course I can’t take all the credit. The great team of creatives alongside of me help immensely. Such an enjoyable shoot with a couple of 4 am starts to catch the amazing landscapes at dawn. And the weather held up too. Result. We did have to cheat a bit with one particular shot. My favourite one of the whole shoot too. The image was of the team walking off in the morning mist, which was helped by our very own mist machine . I’ll be using that again I can tell you. Absolutely love the look it created.
Such a brilliant photoshoot to be part of . Hard work but great fun too. Looking forward to the next one and more of those 4 am starts … Hmmm 😉
For more on my commercial photography checkout my portfolio …