School Wear Photography for Trutex …
Back in August I was commissioned to do the school wear photography for the Trutex School wear catalogue. The photography was to be on location at Kirkham Grammar School just outside Preston, with the shoot taking the whole week. Five days travelling to school and back. Takes me right back to my school days. I can just about remember 😉
The school was a great location for the photography and they let us have access to virtually anywhere we wanted to go.  With plenty of places indoors just incase the weather didn’t behave. The weather did for once behave itself. Infact too well bright sunshine called for a lot of large reflectors to give a more soft light. Photographers hey, never happy 😉
The brief was a free reign from the client as they wanted a fashion edge with plenty of angles and movement, which of course is a fashion photographers ideal brief as it allowed for the creativity to flow.
Blessed with great weather for the whole week bar one day and great models from Boss Manchester the shoot went very smoothly. A great team of creative’s made for a very enjoyable week along with working hard of course too….
Looking forward to next year and looking forward to seeing the finished Trutex School wear catalogue very soon.
For more on my fashion photography visit my gallery …